Thursday, August 11, 2011

"Someone called me ugly in high school, it was such an extremely traumatic experience. If that wasn’t enough, they also said that I had split ends. It was horrible, I just felt like dying. I love my fans so much omg ur what keeps me going srsly guise. And by the way I am so fucking talented and famous, everybody loves me, I’M GOD. But remember how much I hate my life. PS ILUV EVRY1" - Lady GaGa



  1. The amount of hate you dedicate to this website.. it's gotta be unhealthy. I really don't mind people disliking her music if it's not their thing, but you know, if her message of positivity prevents even a single gay teen from committing suicide - then that should make her not worthy of all this. Why not, instead of making a Gaga hater blog, you make a Madonna or Katy Perry-appreciation blog? Just a kind suggestion, because some decent people really do like her music and recognize her talent. I'm really sorry if this message got too long or upsets you, hope you understand though.

  2. Who ever made this site: No one cares how much you hate Gaga. Hating people as she said^ is unhealthy. You must be lonely..

  3. you ACTUALLY think she said this or

  4. lol this blog is so silly.

  5. I also hate lady gaga as much as this person does. Sucks she comes on when Im trying to watch tv or listen to the radio. I really wish she would apologize for being alive then off herself slowly.

  6. Would whoever wrote this shut THE fuck up please, I am a little monster. I hate Katy Perry do you see me writing a hate blog? No! I have a life! What the hell youre doing with yours I don't know! I'm a trainee firefighter and i wouldnt have had the guts to do it if Gaga hadn't have wrote Born This Way! She does NO wrong and you have NO right hating on her like this! She doesnt deserve ANY of the hate she gets! Paws Up to the monsters and middle fingers up to the DICK who wrote this!

  7. Poor pressed hater. Just know while you're making a pathetic ugly website, Gaga is making more money than you'll ever be worth. Sure, hate on her because you're jealous of her, but it just shows how sad and uneducated you are.
